Edukit is Available to Order

April 26, 2022

UPDATE 8/3/2022: Edukit is no longer for sale. Supply lists for each grade can be found here.

Original Post: Did you know that the EduKit program has raised nearly $3,200 for the Abingdon PTA since it started up in 2014? This program provides a convenient, easy, and less expensive option to purchase school supplies for the upcoming school year. Each kit contains what Abingdon will request, by grade, for the coming year.

Simply click below and follow the instructions to order the supply kits. The kits will be delivered directly to each child’s classroom before the start of the school year.

Order by June 30 for the best prices! Extended ordering is available July 1 – August 1 for an additional fee and will be delivered to Abingdon before school begins.

Questions? Contact Samantha Levine-Finley, [email protected].

Order Your Edukit for 2022-2023