General Membership Meeting Agenda — February 8, 2022

  1. 6:30pm-6:40pm: Bilingual welcome, Jackie Winkelvoss, President and Andrea Alvarez
    1. Bilingual instructions for how to get into the interpretation room: Christian Lindstrom, Treasurer and Andrea Alvarez
    2. Why is translation and interpretation important: Christian Lindstrom
  2. 6:40-7:10pm: Principal’s Report: Mr. Horak
  3. 7:10-7:15pm: Survey results: Sara Carr, Secretary
  4. 7:15-7:30pm: Official Abingdon PTA Business
    1. Events: Meredith Greene
    2. Staff Appreciation: Meredith Greene/Ashley Farrugia
    3. Donations of equipment, masks, etc.: Sara Carr
    4. Coat drive: Sharon Burd
    5. Spring Fundraising: Jackie Winkelvoss/Clare Roseberger
    6. Current volunteer opportunities (EduKit Coordinator): Jackie Winkelvoss
    7. Nominating Committee for SY 2022-2023 Executive Positions: Dan Burd
    8. Financial report: Christian Lindstrom
      1. Vote to move $2000 in reserves to staff appreciation: Jackie Winkelvoss
      2. Vote to move $500 for masks: Jackie Winkelvoss
  5. 7:30pm: Meeting adjourns

Next PTA Meetings:

  • Tuesday March 8 at 6:30pm: Presentation by Ann Dolin, M.Ed. of Educational Connections on Executive Functioning Skills
  • Tuesday April 19 at 6:30pm: Meeting with Cristian Diaz-Torres, APS School Board Member