Executive Board Meeting Agenda — January 24, 2023

  1. Call to Order
    1. Confirmation of Quorum
    2. Approval of November 29, 2022 Executive Board Meeting Minutes
  2. Talking Points (Added to the agenda by Ashley Farrugia, Meredith Greene and Megan Miller)
    1. Clarification of PTA Role
      1. Support the school community
      2. liaison to leadership (connect with them on sensitive or concerning topics privately ahead of general membership meeting)
      3. school backing & support
    2. Current Tone of General Membership Meetings from within exec board
      1. Condemning Principal Horak for being out of compliance with feminine hygiene products
      2. sharing that we have an educational crisis due to headphones - if this is the case, why not discuss in private with Horak and exec board and solve problem first and then update general membership so that PR and tone is positive NOT negative
      3. Inviting Counseling Team to present and then asking targeted questions to make them look as though they are not doing enough or their job, i.e:
        • President bringing to the attention of all on call that administrators are aware of a student who is self harming but have not done anything about it
        • how they and admin have supported the school with recent deaths ( Admin team and school staff had chosen to NOT share about the recent deaths of alumni staff and student. This is a private matter that those families did not want shared. The public nature of how it was shared was gossipy & tone deaf and left space for confusion.
    3. Unification of PTA with Fairlington Community Groups (especially social media connection)
      1. We were asked to not do this last year - this year the two have become one…
      2. Facebook groups are being alerted to issues with remarks that the PTA is sponsoring, awareness, or working on them., i.e.
        • Clothing drive - specifically for underwear stating that the school nurse is hand making underwear (is this true?)
        • Lipbalm need - PTA working hard on it - none of exec board was aware of this - also lip balm likely can not be given out to students from school (like advil or any other health product)
    4. Exec Board Communication
      1. What needs to be shared amongst board and signed off upon… events, issues, etc., i.e.
        • ​winter wonderland changes needed to be told to board, board was not made aware of lunar new year event
        • Lip balm (if there is a need, bring issue first to board to decide if we will fund it or fundraise or ask for donations or ignore)
        • Headphones (see above…) bringing this up at the general membership meeting when most were unaware made us seem like we were not a unified board and also not all of us feel we should blast admin in front of all parents nor do we all agree this is a current educational crisis
    5. Communication from Exec Board
      1. Too infrequent and cumbersome Cardinal Couriers… Exec board has written concerns about this already dated Dec 6.
      2. Social Media posts are overwhelming - challenging to find/follow important events and updates
    6. Baroody VS Clubs
  3. New Business
    1. Grant requests – see below.
    2. February General Membership meeting presenter
    3. Spirit Wear
    4. Literacy Month (Read-A-Thon, Book Fair)
    5. Baroody Run Club (aimed at boys) - ensure different day of the week from GOTR
    6. Recap of Winter event (Payment due week prior. Will Sharon or Christian be on-site for overage payment if we go over 150 people.
  4. Next Board Meeting - Tuesday, February 28, 2023, 8 pm
  5. Adjourn

Grant requests are below. The two requests for headphones were tabled indefinitely as per the superintendent’s remarks during the January 23, 2023 CCPTA meeting that the school and the Central Office should handle these requests.

Name Grade Level or Department Amount Requested Description of Request If applicable, please provide a link, website, or example of the item(s) you would like purchased. Approximately how many students will benefit from this? Please describe why there is a need for what is being requested and what the intended benefit(s) would be.
Renita Upshur Eco Action Committee $200 The $200 would fund the purchase of 20 high visibility vests. https://ypers.com/hi-visibility-recycled-safety-vest-class-2-zipper-front-3-pocket-orange-10-per-case/ ~25 directly, whole school indirectly The Eco-Action Committee has broken down into three sub committees, The Garden Crew, Recycling Rangers, and Litter Crew. We are looking to provide a vest that will indicate they are a part of the club doing work for the school. These are not items that would go home with students, they will be passed down year to year as the club grows. We believe this constitutes as “for the whole school” since it has a whole school impact. We are growing plants indoors in addition to the outdoor garden with the goal of having students experience a tasting table during lunch. The efforts of the Litter Crew impacts our outdoor community and the Recycling Rangers impacts the entirety of our indoor community.
Sarah Tyson kindergarten $150 I would like to buy a set of 10 high quality headphones for my classroom. https://www.amazon.com/AE-36-Stereo-Headphones-Microphone-10-Pack/dp/B07GTC7CVQ/ref=sr_1_3?keywords=avid%2Bheadphones%2Bwith%2Bmicrophone&qid=1671022771&sprefix=avid%2Bhead%2Caps%2C124&sr=8-3&ufe=app_do%3Aamzn1.fos.f5122f16-c3e8-4386-bf32-63e904010ad0&th=1 21 My students use their ipads every day in small group. They use the Lexia app and Dreambox. They will also soon be learning how to use Seesaw to share their work with their families. My students need high quality headphones, so they can hear directions on their ipads without bothering the rest of the class.
Helen Ryan 2nd Grade English learner teacher $150 I would like to purchase phonics/reading/word materials and games for English Language learner students and also to support emerging readers. These can be used for both English as a second language and 2nd grade readers. https://www.amazon.com/-/es/Sight-Words-Level-juego-bingo/dp/B001UY45DI/ref=sr_1_4?crid=152GBX0J5LOIC&keywords=sight+word+bingo+level+3&qid=1673628722&sprefix=sight+word+bingo%2Caps%2C893&sr=8-4.[ https://www.amazon.com/-/es/Learning-Resources-fon%C3%A9tica-tarjetas-incluidas/dp/B0009K8PS0/ref=sr_1_8?__mk_es_US=%C3%85M%C3%85%C5%BD%C3%95%C3%91&crid=2NHGMH55HMGLH&keywords=word+building+card+game&qid=1673628768&sprefix=word+building+card+game%2Caps%2C59&sr=8-8](https://www.amazon.com/-/es/Learning-Resources-fonética-tarjetas-incluidas/dp/B0009K8PS0/ref=sr_1_8?__mk_es_US=ÅMÅŽÕÑ&crid=2NHGMH55HMGLH&keywords=word+building+card+game&qid=1673628768&sprefix=word+building+card+game%2Caps%2C59&sr=8-8) 50+ students and I would be sharing with classroom teachers. I don’t have any of these resources and I would like to use them to enhance instruction.
Janet Kingsley Music: pk-5 $480. If there are not enough funds for 30 sets, , we would appreciate any number of mallet sets. 30 sets of mallets for playing the xylophones and glockenspiels for children in grades K-2. These would also be used for small hand-held percussion - we have some but not enough to supply two music rooms running classes at the same time. https://www.westmusic.com/orff/orff-mallets-sticks/263815 All of the k-2 students on a regular basis and ultimately all of the students as they would be great for our soprano xylophones and glockenspiels at any age. We currently have larger mallets that are longer and heavier. These are difficult for the smaller children to handle. I have paid for 6 pr. from Amazon but the tops come off! The date below is arbitrary and we would be thankful for any number at any time!
Vasthy Delgado Counseling $99 I am requesting a grant to complete an online course on mental health created for school counselors and the work we provide in the school setting. https://www.schoolcounselor.org/getmedia/fb06a779-2658-4ee7-a1f2-1c950e6c776d/Mental-Health-Specialist-Syllabus.pdf All students Due to the increased mental health concerns around the country, it is essential for school counselors to support students with the attitudes, skills, and knowledge needed for their social, emotional, and academic development. In additional, the staggering statistics indicates that more awareness of students’ well-being needs to done along with ensuring schools are a safe, inclusive, and welcoming environment for everyone. This course will provide me with the updated information and strategies to utilize in my work with students, school staff, and community members to ensure we are taking care of students’ mental health.
Sonjia Davis STC $350 to $400 Replenishing testing headphones AVID brand headphones 300+ All students use headsets at some point for testing. Many times they are borrowed and not returned or returned broken.