Executive Board Meeting Minutes — October 25, 2022

Call to Order #

The virtual meeting was called to order at 8:00pm. Executive Board members in attendance:

  • Sharon Burd, President
  • Ken Venable, VP for Educational Programs
  • Clare Rosenberger, VP for Fundraising
  • Meredith Greene, VP for Events
  • Ashley Farrugia, VP for Staff Appreciation
  • Dan Burd, Secretary
  • David Horak, Principal

Boundary Changes #

David Horak

Mr. Horak said that there would not be a boundary change process this year nor any boundary changes for next school year.

Outdoor Lunch #

David Horak

Sharon asked whether there were any needs the PTA could help address that would make outdoor lunches possible, such as additional tables. Mr. Horak responded that it’s not an issue of tables, but rather a staffing issue. APS provided staffing for ten extra lunch attendants last year. Most lunches are concurrent with recess, which has 130 students on the playground - as a result, an issue he sees is that students will scarf down their food and run to play. Sharon asked whether the school would welcome more picnic tables, and Mr. Horak said yes, that they’re great for the community and for large events like International Night.

Field Trips #

David Horak

Mr. Horak said that a man named John Foti approached Abingdon last year who wanted to fund Title I schools alongside some colleagues from his work. He wanted the donated money to be used for something that kids wouldn’t otherwise have access to. Mr. Horak believes that a field trip to Jamestown would be a good fit for this. (Most schools use it for enrichment, and Mr. Horak said we could use some leftover funds for scholarships.) Mr. Horak talked to Ms. Kooiman, the 4th grade team lead, who has a date in mind - March 14. (The early dismissal the following day would help everyone muddle through when they are tired from the previous day.) She looked at prices for visiting the Jamestown settlement, and it’s about $15 or $20 without the bus costs. The full price might be $70. People would pay full price or nothing. Unfortunately, no one is around who planned it last time. Mr. Horak will send an email to Mr. Foti, Ms. Kooiman, and Sharon to get started on planning.

Clare added that Kay Houghton has also expressed interest in funding field trips, so we should ensure to make use of her potential donation to ensure her continued engagement. Clare also asked that Mr. Horak solicit his staff for field trip ideas.

Mr. Horak added that field trips have to have some sort of educational value, which is why APS “put the kibash” on the swimming pool field trips for graduating 5th graders, which had taken place happened in the past.

School Talk #

Mr. Horak has a folder on a shared drive internal to APS for information to be sent out on School Talk. If the PTA would like to share information via School Talk, they can send it to Ms. Tyson who has access to the shared folder.

Trunk or Treat #

The Board discussed ideas to add on to next year’s Trunk or Treat, which is an evolving tradition at Abingdon. Pumpkin decorating is being added this year. The PTA could potentially “sell” school windows to be decorated in a manner of the buyer’s choice. Mr. Horak also mentioned having APS Transportation pick up kids and bring them to school for Trunk or Treat, although when he spoke to APS Transportation they requested a variety of documents (regarding chaperones, permission slips, older siblings) which caused him to speculate that he may have spoken to the wrong person. He expressed interest in contracting with a private bus company to provide this service.

We currently have 23 cars signed up to participate in Trunk or Treat. There is plenty of candy.

Food Pantry #

Mr. Horak opined that the Food Pantry is going well. He has heard about the ongoing mice issue, but he believes we are not out of line with what other schools are experiencing. He will continue to work with pest control to take care of the problem.

Mr. Horak departed the virtual meeting at this point.

The Board discussed potential confusion regarding the snack pantry. One second grade teacher was asking for donations, and some teachers aren’t distributing snacks. Some Board members expressed interest in having school administrators or grade level leads reach out to their staff to make sure they understand the program and why we have it. They can also discuss best practices in how and when to distribute snacks.

Farmer’s Market #

The PTA will have a table at the Farmer’s Market this weekend (Sunday, October 30). Sharon will talk about the garden and the snack pantry to try to solicit volunteers. She will also try to get signups for Harris Teeter and inform people about Chipotle Spirit Night on November 2, as well as promoting our social media accounts.

SEPTA Liaison #

The PTA has a new SEPTA liaison. Her name is Amy Turner and she is the parent of an Abingdon student.

Reflections #

We received 32 submissions to Reflections. The Reflections Art Show will be held in the cafeteria on Wednesday, November 9.

Extended Day #

APS is cutting health insurance and sick leave from part-time Extended Day staff. This affects six Abingdon staff. The Board discussed how this could harm Abingdon’s Extended Day program. Staff retention could be a problem at a time of long waitlists to enter the program. Sharon would like to lobby the superintendent and the School Board. The Board talked about how to increase the program’s budget. There was some hesitancy about getting the PTA involved at all, and an expression that we should see what the CCPTA does first. No consensus was reached about further action.

Movie Night #

There were communication issues in planning Movie Night alongside Abingdon’s DEI Committee. Individual PTA Board members may choose to try to get in touch with DEI to ensure they have what they need in order to ensure the event’s success.

General Membership Meetings #

A Board member stated that people want to know how to volunteer and support the PTA, but they were frustrated because the last meeting ran long. Someone opined that we could consider having PTA business before the presentation. Someone else opined that the meeting is a way to put an “exclamation point” on stuff that goes home in the Tuesday Folder.

Rescheduling next Board meeting #

The Board approved rescheduling the next Board meeting from November 22 to November 29 so as not to meet during the week of Thanksgiving.

Grant Requests #

The Board approved the following grants:

  1. 25 ukuleles - $450
  2. 30 sets of Unifix cubes - $400
  3. 9 sets of dry erase multiplication manipulatives - $200

The fourth grant request (Kindergarten field trip to the Kennedy Center - $300) was tabled indefinitely because it appears there are plentiful alternative funding sources for field trips.

Road Safety #

Road safety continues to be an issue. One Board member was almost hit leaving the school area during drop-off. The Kiss & Ride area is also terrible. One Board member stated that stop sign cameras are unfortunately now allowed in Virginia.

Adjournment #

  • Meeting adjourned at 9:43 pm
  • Next Board Meeting: Tuesday, November 29, 2022, 8 pm

/s/ Dan Burd, Secretary